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A doctor may ask about any symptoms that are being experienced and conduct a physical examination. The doctor may attempt to move the tendon and if the tendon sheath has become inflamed and swollen, a creaky sound could be heard.

If a specific point on the tendon is tender and swollen, this is a high indicator of tendinitis.

if the problem still persists, after attempting rest, applying ice or heat, and over the counter medications, the doctor may recommend additional testing.

A diagnosis can be confirmed by x-ray... if calcium deposits are present around the tendon, this is an indicator of tendinitis.

Other testing methods can be used as well, like an MRI or ultrasound and can confirm any swelling around the tendon sheath.


Treatments of Tendon Pain

Treatment options aim to alleviate pain and reduce inflammation.

Some treatment options are:

  • rest
  • applying cold or hot pressure
  • OTC medications
  • using a brace for the joint area

Treatment: Rest

Resting will give the tendon time for the inflammation and swelling to go down. For example if the injury is sports related, a person will need to take adequate time to rest and avoid strenuous activity.

A brace or splint may help reduce movement and allow for recovery.

It's important to note, not resting can lead to further complications.

Treatment: Hot and Cold

An ice pack or heating pad can help relieve swelling and pain in the area.

Ice packs should be applied to the area 10 to 15 minutes, once or twice a day.

As with most ice packs, it's important not to apply directly to the skin... wrap the pack in a towel or purchase a medical grade ice pack.

Taking a warm bath, applying warm/hot towels, or topical medication (like a cream or ointment), can help grant some relief.

Within the first 48 hours, it's best to apply ice treatment. Afterwards, heat treatment can be a better option.


Treatment: Pain Relievers

OTC Medication: Pain relievers like ibuprofen have been known to help alleviate tendon pain

Corticosteroid Injections: Injecting around the tendon area can help pain symptoms however, repeat injections may do more harm than good and significantly increase the chance of tendon rupture.

Physical Therapy: Massaging the tendon area may help with pain relief and speed the healing process.

Stretching and Exercise: Much like physical therapy, specific exercises that are designed to strengthen and stretch the tendon and muscle can help with pain.

Treatment: Shock Wave Therapy or Surgery

If soft-treatment fails and symptoms still persist, further action may need to be taken. Extracorporeal shock wave therapy is another treatment option. ESWT sends a shock through the skin and breaks up calcium deposits around the tendon. Alternatively, calcium deposits may be removed surgically.

Untreated tendinitis can result in further complications and potential for tendon rupture. In this case, surgery may be needed.

Prevention, the Ultimate Treatment

Tendinitis is less likely to occur by following some simple strategies.

Exercise: muscle strengthening activities may help prevent tendinitis. Seek help from a medical expert for exercise tips

Stretching & Cooling Down: Always warm up and stretch properly before and after strenuous sporting activities.

Repetitive Movements: Avoid repetitious movements and take a break when needed.

It's best not to stay in an uncomfortable position for prolonged periods of time. Its beneficial to rest and come back to an activity later.

If a job requires repetitive movements, discuss preventative strategies with an employer to reduce risk of injury.

Inflamed tendons and tendinitis have the possibility of tearing which will often require surgery.

Tendonosis, Tendonitis & Tendonopathy Injury

These injuries are caused by the increased use of tendons. Tendons get very poor blood supply and due to which they take longer to heal. And when the tendons are used continuously the entire healing process slows down which subsequently leads to the tendonosis of the tendons.

This is more common in middle-aged people or the older ones because their tendons are injury-prone. Apart from the middle-aged and older people, it may also occur in several others listed below:

  • athletes and people who work out continuously or play sports without any rest
  • workers performing repetitive tasks such as driving and controlling machinery
  • people with untreated tendonitis
  • people sitting in improper postures for longer periods
  • people wearing improper and poorly fitting footwear
  • people with tight and stiff calf muscles


A doctor will first go through the detailed medical history of the patient before performing a physical examination. Make sure you tell the doctor exactly the source of the pain, the duration of the pain and the activities that make the pain worse. The doctor will try to touch and press (palpate) the affected area to directly pinpoint the area where the pain and swelling are most severe.

Your doctor may order for imaging tests such as X-ray, ultrasound or MRI to evaluate the extent of the damage of the tendon to look for any tears and rule out other causes based on the results.


Tendonosis symptoms include the following:

  • Pain in the affected areas or tendons when touched or moved
  • Restricted movement and stiffness around the affected areas
  • When you see a tender lump in the affected area


The primary aims for the treatment of tendonosis involve preventing injuries, thickening the deteriorated tendon, reducing the pain and replenishing the tendons with the collagen.

The treatment plan includes:

  • taking rest to give rest to the affected tendon
  • if you are involved in physical work, taking 15 min breaks between work
  • applying ice on the pain for 15 to 20 minutes several times a day.
  • using ergonomically designed chairs and keyboards
  • wearing supportive gear such as tape or braces
  • performing stretching exercises
  • moving the affected muscles to regain full range of motion
  • physical therapy
  • light strength training
  • taking massage
  • proper nutrition includes Vit C, zinc and manganese that helps in collagen synthesis.

Take the help of a nutritionist to know if your intake of the required nutrients is enough for the production of collagen.

In the case of tendonosis, cortisone injections and other anti-inflammatory drugs aren’t recommended. These medications stop the production of collagen.

The General Outlook

Tendonosis for obvious reasons may take a long time to heal than tendonitis. An early diagnosis can help in successfully treating this condition in less than six weeks. Some more serious and chronic cases can take up to 6 months to heal and at times even longer. Almost 80 percent of the people are able to completely recover from tendonosis.


Regular massage, strength training, stretching, and warming up before beginning any workout can help in the prevention of tendon injuries and keep your tissues as healthy as possible.

It is recommended that you always get prompt treatment for your tendonitis and give your tendons time to rest and fully recover. Hence, ensure you take some rest after intense workouts so that all chances of tendonosis can be avoided from occurring.

Ensuring that you wear cushioned and supportive athletic shoes may also help in preventing tendonosis.

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