The primary aims for the treatment of tendonosis involve preventing injuries, thickening the deteriorated tendon, reducing the pain and replenishing the tendons with the collagen.
The treatment plan includes:
- taking rest to give rest to the affected tendon
- if you are involved in physical work, taking 15 min breaks between work
- applying ice on the pain for 15 to 20 minutes several times a day.
- using ergonomically designed chairs and keyboards
- wearing supportive gear such as tape or braces
- performing stretching exercises
- moving the affected muscles to regain full range of motion
- physical therapy
- light strength training
- taking massage
- proper nutrition includes Vit C, zinc and manganese that helps in collagen synthesis.
Take the help of a nutritionist to know if your intake of the required nutrients is enough for the production of collagen.
In the case of tendonosis, cortisone injections and other anti-inflammatory drugs aren’t recommended. These medications stop the production of collagen.